Welcome to Big Woods Art! This blog is designed to show off all of the wonderful art created by the amazing students at Big Woods. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

1st Grade Chinese Lanterns

The first graders have just completed their first project of the year: Chinese lanterns. In China, lanterns are usually lit at the New Years celebration to symbolize hope for a bright future. We made lanters to celebrate our new school year and our very bright futures :) The artists also incorporated line into their lanterns. We learned all about horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines. Exciting!

Sneak Peek...

4th Grade Chinese Scrolls

3rd Grade Chinese Kimonos

2nd Grade Chinese Dragon Fish

And we're off!! This year in the art studio is beginning better than ever! All of the Big Woods artists are impressing me more each day with their good behavior and incredible artistic talent! Above you'll find a sneak peek of what we are working on... final project pictures to come!